In the Extinction Rebellion handbook, 'This Is Not A Drill', Douglas Rushkoff relates how he was paid half a years salary to speak about the future to a group of super-wealthy hedge-fund managers. They wanted to know how to prepare for coming crises or upheavals which they called 'The Event'. This was primarily concerning climate change but our current pandemic fits perfectly - indeed we have seen many reports of the ultra-wealthy heading off to the safety of their bunkers.In the meeting one of them said he had just completed work on his own underground bunker system and asked, "How do I maintain authority over my security force after the event?" They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds but how would they pay those guards once money was worthless, how could they maintain their superior position - could they, for example, make the guards wear disciplinary collars to ensure their loyalty ...? (from This Is Not A Drill, Chapter 8, Survival of the Richest by Douglas Rushkoff).'The Event' is my response to the threat of climate change, Brexit, the rise of the far right, to the imbalance of wealth in our age of 'austerity', the isolation from reality of the billionaires who dictate who rules through their media empires and manipulation of social media and who think they can escape a virus by hiding underground.